ModuleWorks announces the release of its 2022.08 CAD/CAM software components for digital manufacturing. This is the second major ModuleWorks release of 2022 and contains new and enhanced features across the entire product range, including new custom tool shapes for roughing, automatic tool axis control, and vector interpolation for the machine simulation.
Custom tool shape for roughing

With the new feature for creating generic revolved tools, operators can customize the shape of the cutting and non-cutting parts of the tool for all triangle mesh-based roughing strategies. Customized tools avoid over-simplifications because they take specific features of the tool shape into account during the toolpath calculation to deliver a realistic simulation of the material removal process.
Automatic tool axis control

This new feature for multi-axis finishing adds a new mode called “Automatic” to the tool axis control. In automatic mode, the contact point as well as the lead and lag angles are automatically defined according to each available tool. This reduces programming time and simplifies tool axis definition.
RTCP by vectors

The RTCP ON command in the ModuleWorks Machine Simulation has a new option called “by vectors”. Between any two moves, the Machine Simulation interpolates the tool’s movement to ensure the tool tip points are located on a line and the tool vectors are located on a plane. The size of the interpolation steps can be controlled, and the command requires no machine kinematic knowledge, making it straightforward to use.
Further details about the ModuleWorks 2022.08 release are available in the latest ModuleWorks YouTube videos: What’s New in ModuleWorks 2022.08
The ModuleWorks 2022.08 release is available now for download from the ModuleWorks website.

ModuleWorks is the leading software component provider for the digital manufacturing industry. With over 200 employees and 1000 person-years of software development, ModuleWorks’ expertise in toolpath creation and simulation is recognized throughout the industry and its software components are already optimizing the performance and quality of over 500,000 installed seats of CAD/CAM and CNC software around the world. From standard products to exclusive development projects, ModuleWorks helps companies to bring their vision of Industry 4.0 to life. With its comprehensive portfolio of cutting-edge software components, ModuleWorks enables its customers to optimize their CAD/CAM solutions and connect to CNC/MTB systems to increase their competitiveness and help them Get There Faster.