Post Processor Framework
ModuleWorks Post Processing Framework generates NC-Code by a custom post script from the output of the ModuleWorks kinematic solver (MultiXPost) or any other source. PPF runs on a network server and on any operating system with python support. The output can be streamed to any device or machine.
The NC Code for your Machine Tool
The Post Processor Framework (PPF) lets you script the NC-output for any custom machine tool. PPF uses ModuleWorks MultiXPost as a front-end component to resolve any machine kinematic. Alternatively, you can use the API to integrate the software into your own toolpath environment, independent of the ModuleWorks toolpath calculation.

Key Benefits of PPF
Individually adaptable
Flexible scripting for any controller type (ISO-based, Sinumerik, Fanuc, Heidenhain,...) or output format
Rapid generation
Fast NC-code generation with ca. 50.000 moves/s
Posting script editable
Full API documentation which enables user to edit posting script
Open kinematics
Open kinematics format definition through ModuleWorks MultiXPost
API Integration
Languages: C#, C++
Multiple customizations
Multiple customization which enables user to edit posting script
Supported controller types and output formats
- ISO-4343
- Sinumerik
- Fanuc
- Heidenhain
- MWCL (Shows supported options for simulation)
- Binary data / APT
- etc.

Supported NC-commands and programming cycles
Implement individual logic and behaviour in customer post:
- Output NC-commands prior and after an operation
- Output NC-commands at specific positions in the toolpath
- Add NC-commands if specific markers (e.g. layer start/end, slice start/end) are active in the toolpath moves
Complete PPF Documentation
- PPF User documentation: Complete documentation to show the customers how to get started and how to create and modify posts with sections like:
- Installation
- Introduction & Getting Started
- Sample Posts
- Tutorials & Concepts
- API Documentation
- PPF Developer documentation: Description for developers who wants to integrate PPF in their own CAD/CAM-system with sections like:
- PPF architecture & versioning
- C++ Integration
- .NET integration